The 25 best hair cut style for man 2020. | by Shahrukh Khan | MediumJavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to enable Javascript in your browser. Samon Villas Hot Sale Products Samon Villas In the latest video guide best hair cutting techniques, we have hand selected many of our favorite videos that we believe will raise your Haircut skills at another level. First we build solid foundations, then we work in the essential art of Layering, and add the final touches with Cara-Framing and bangs. We encourage you to take a mannequin and work along the hand with videos whenever it is It is possible to anchor your learning. Also, we would love to hear from you on our social media platforms if you I feel like this guide is helping you. Haircut Guide Description:1. The hair cutting foundations Master the foundations of haircut to become better in understanding what, how and why behind cutting hair. 24 video techniques 2. Layer techniques These layer techniques will configure you for success regardless of hair type or density. 25 video techniques 3. Facial capture techniques Discover multiple ways to approach the frame in this video series. 10 video techniques 4. How to cut the shoots There are many ways to cut a strip, so why not all learn? 21 video techniques 5. Shags A large shaving hairstyle consists of shaving ends, layers around the crown, and a lot of texture. Look at these videos to help you master the shave haircut. 6 video techniques 1. Hair Cutting FoundationsThe property on hair cutting foundations opens unlimited creativity and flexibility in your hairdressing. By really understanding the concepts of Elevation, Overdirection, Finger Angle, etc... you take the guesswork to adapt haircuts to the needs of the guests of the living room. Regardless of how creative you get with your haircuts, they're still controlled by the fundamental basic principles contained in this part of our video guide. Elevation: Control the vertical movement of the hairMasterizing the art of lifting is guaranteed to improve your hair cuts because it allows you change the silhouette vertically. It doesn't matter if you're in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal section, you must be moving the hair up and down, not side by side, to create elevation. Do you want to collapse the shape at the bottom and leave the weight at the top? Elevation allows you to make That. Let's just say that all their lengths are sitting at the same point. You'll have a lot of density in the Down, right? Now let's say you want to move that density away from the perimeter and build it up and away shaped head. It simply starts to raise your hair up and away from your head, but remember that once you lift your hair more than 90 degrees will allow more length to descend to the perimeter and take longer than upper surface. We encourage you to watch the previous video to learn more about how lifting can improve your game. TEN-Address: Controlling the Horizontal HairOver-direction Movement is key to creating memorable haircuts because it creates weight and length in haircuts different directions and allows you to control the side-by-side or back-front look of your silhouette. You can move your hair three ways to produce different results. Overriding the hair forward create length and density to the back of the hair. Overwrite the hair again to create movement, density and weight on the forehead. Or cut hair in the natural fall to create any movement in any direction. Three different haircut guides (stationary, traveling and visual) also offer different results, from the maximum amount of over-direction to a softer weight accumulation. Watch the video above to see exactly how it is done. Finger's angle: Creating the Depth Within a HairThe angle of the Danger influences the result of your haircuts because it creates depth within the section even if you are using the same elevation and the same direction. In a vertical section, the angle of the finger affects the silhouette up and down. Within a horizontal section, The angle of the finger controls the movement of the face or face. Do you want more fullness to the perimeter? Use a finger angle diagonally away from the shape of the head. You want the depth to fall to the back of the head? Change your fingers in a diagonal angle of your fingers where it is shorter to the face and farther from the face. Watch the video to be on the way create intricate shapes and adapt your haircuts to any customer passing through the door. Section: How Section Hair with Precision and PrecisionPractice makes perfect, or at least perfect parts. You want to be very skilled to create clean Deal? Practice these three tips until they become second nature. Connect your fingers: Our long cut comb has a separation tooth at the top. Place your pointer the finger at the tip of the separation tooth, take the finger and place it where you want to go and connect the two points. Comb your hair in the direction you want to separate so you're not fighting the grain. Use both hands to separate for a long time. Put both fingers in the separation tooth and rest the palms against the head for support to create clean and clear lines. Watch the video to see how it's done. Voltage: How to keep the tension when cutting your hair?Do you want to get more accurate results in your next haircut? Keeping a good strain can help. Start by asking you these questions? Is your tension even from top to bottom? Cut beyond the first knuckle can be problematic so avoid if you can. Is the section rolling to see it better or to reach a different cutting position? If so, Be careful not to increase the elevation. Keep a flat surface. Remember that a loss of tension or unequal tension can complicate your hair cuts to view the video to learn more. Layer Hair: The Difference Between Horizontal and Vertical LayerThe thinking of your haircut approach can make the difference between a good haircut and a great haircut. Understanding when to use vertical layer and when to use horizontal layer is a good one example. The difference is how the weight is distributed and how visual the cutting line is. You want a smoother edge and not so much weight? Take a vertical section, raise your hair to 90 degrees And we cut straight. You want a lot of texture? Use your scissors to create deep peaks and valleys that soften as They fall. Do you want to keep more weight through the perimeter and have more visual impact? Switch to a horizontal layer pattern. The same elevation, the same direction but in a horizontal section. Watch the video for tips you can Start using today. Haircut Guides: How to set a safety guide when hair layer above Ears It is always difficult to know where to start your guide for layers to avoid the ever fearful hole above the ear. The trick is to find a safe point to start your layers, and we have a point that works every time. Go to the top of the ear. The area of the hairline that has to travel the farthest to touch the perimeter is that small piece at the top of the ear. Never shorter than that piece of hair and you'll avoid the hole dreaded over the ear. Watch the video to learn to find that safe point and preserve density and length. ← Haircut of a length: How to keep sections to create a consistent line There is nothing wrong with an asymmetrical bob unless that was not the look you were going Stop. Creating a line consisting of both sides of any haircut length is always a challenge, but We have some solutions. Your fingers can get you into trouble because they tend to create a slightly diagonal line when you use them. as your guide. Instead, use your comb to guide the bottom of your fingers to create a horizontal line. The other problem is your elbow, who wants to drag you down and pull that pretty horizontal line. Again, use your comb to help you. Watch the video to see exactly how to create a consistent line each and every time. Precision Haircut Precision: How to create a precise background edge when cutting hairCreating a precise background edge is in all details. Hair cut as close to natural fall as it is possible to remove some of the inconsistencies. When you use your fingers to control shape, be careful not to to lift the hair up and away, which introduces the lifting. The best advice is to keep your hands out of your hair if possible. Using a comb instead puts less tension and stress in the hair and makes it easier to keep the hair in its true natural fall position. We also suggest that you bring the bells and cuts on the lower edge of the guideline instead of up to make sure that the next section below is not above your previously cut section. Watch the video to learn more. Layer Hair: Creating consistent weight balance within layers A common problem with stray hair cuts is the inconsistency within the weight balance. We suggest that the elevation element is examined because that is one of the key ways to control the shape of the layer. Taking too large sections can create inconsistency. Subsection of larger sections in two smaller pieces makes it easier to control the elevation. The other issue is the position of the body. Usually, your elbow side down will be your heavy side and your side The side of the elbow will be your lighter side. Watch the video to see how to maintain the right elevation can do the whole the difference. The importance of cross-checking hair " How to make the check is one of the foundations he learned that he can save you time and improve your results. Even if you're in a hurry, don't skip this important step. because it prevents you from getting ahead and discovering too late that you've started doing mistakes inside the haircut. The trick is to take good clean sections and lift the hair back to the position you cut it before Looking for trouble. Work with a sense of purpose and seek balance within the line in both vertical and horizontal sections. Watch this video to discover how the cross check affects the result of your haircuts. ← Hair cap around the face without creating lumping or holes You don't hate it when you're coating hair around the face and you have a hole right in front The lower corner? The problem is in the recession area, and we have two options to help you avoid the problem. The first is to separate the hair that sits right on the top of that recession zone from the length of your layer. The second option is to grab your , which allows you to gently reduce the weight of the hair that sits in front of the weak area of the recession without overtaking it. Watch the video and see how it's done. ← How to create layers of V-Shaped Around the face for longer hairHere is a fresh technique to add layers of facial frame to the hair. Start at the high point the head and connect to the point where the hair weakens behind the ear. Repeat on the opposite side. Part of the top surface of the head and grab your . Overdirect everything forward with the elevation of 90 degrees. Determine where you want your shortest point to fall and cut a form of V in that section. Lower the sides, keeping the elevation of 90 degrees and overdirecting directly forward. Connect the longest point of its form V at the top out to the lengths in the perimeter. Watch the video and dominate this relatively Simple technique. Cutting in motion - Ring of earring and Timing/Speed input Cutting motion techniques, including slide cut, channel cut, slide, slip, and pinch and speaking, they are essential skills for the toolbox of each stylist. These hair cutting techniques allow you to quickly remove the thick and add motion to hair. When cut in motion, it is important to consider your input angle to create the final results that you I want. An almost parallel closing angle will result in soft and subtle layers, while a more pronounced thread angle will remove more hair for a more daring look. Time is also critical to creating a large haircut moving forward. The speed at which the pull moves through the hair and the speed at which the dye closes both affect the final result. Close the shred too slowly or too fast (in relation to your cutting speed) can reduce the cuticle and create ends similar to straw. makes the cutting of motion easier by pushing hair like leaves near, creating beautiful soft edges that blend perfectly. Cutting in motion is an essential hair cutting technique for many of the best fashion styles of today. With practice, you can learn to move with confidence and control. When choosing the right angle and dominate the sliding rhythm and closing their scissors, you open a new world of creative possibilities. Watch this video Update your motion cutting skills! Bases of Hair Layer - 3 Different Elevations and How Effect Weight Balance Do you want to create better haircuts with layer? Everything begins with understanding the foundations of layer hair, as lifting and weight balance levels. Many of us tend to cling to a preferred type of lifting, but having a variety to choose helps you design the perfect hairstyle for each individual client. In this video, the Ambassador of Culture Sam Villa Andrew Carruthers takes him through 3 different levels of elevation. Hang on and go! First it is a high classical elevation, also called 90 degrees vertical, which implies raising a straight section To the roof. Lift your hair and cut a blunt line that is parallel to the ground. Basic lifting technique offers beautiful mixed layers that have less weight at the top and more density at the perimeter. Your guests who want a soft and subtle texture will love this look! For balanced layers and a round shape that follows the head, raise the hair to 90 degrees to the head shape. Using a longer shed (we recommend the layer), cut the section parallel to the head. Continue to adjust lifting to maintain an angle of 90 degrees when working hair from top to bottom, following the natural head curve. Watch the video to discover the third elevation (from there: it is perfect to keep the weight in the upper layers). Once You add these three elevations to your hair design tool kit, you will know exactly what to reach for to create beautiful short haircuts and long layers! ← 4 ways to add Texture to unrolled haircuts High texture and layer hairstyles are trendy right now... but how can you add texture to a blunt haircut? When you face a heavy perimeter, there are several options to create movement and visual interest. The tool and the technique you choose should depend on your desired result as well as your Guest hair type. Cutting points is a great way to create a threaded cut with textured ends. For subtle texture, aligned your scissor angle with the hair grain. Cutting against the hair grain will create bold and chunky ends. It can also point cut in hair with . Weight removal is superdelicate so you never need to worry about taking too much hair. This technique is perfect for creating soft and light texture. If your goal is to remove the bulk without creating textured ends, consider the slide cut. Working from the inside of the hair allows you to control where you want to take weight. Align your with the hair grain for the natural texture (or place the hair blades at an angle for greater visual interest), point the blades to the ground, and slide down small pieces from half-to-thin hair. Do you want to remove the weight without creating any visible line or changing the perimeter? Watch the video to discover Fourth texturization technique (your texture-son will love). No matter what technique you choose, to be intentional on the entry angle of your sheep relative to hair grain is key to creating beautiful textured threaded cuts! How to Point Cutting As a ProPoint cutter is a wonderful technique to add softness to haircuts, but can cause injury to your hands and fingers when it gets wrong! Luckily, with the right technique you can create beautiful texture without hurting yourself. The secret to prevent cuts is to keep the bells from your hand while you close them. When you aim cut, open the scissors, gently touch your hand and close them on the way out. Practice this rhythm ("Open, touch, close the road") at home, working slowly until you build trust and muscle memory. When knitting hair, it is important to consider the depth of the cut and the cutting angle. A longer esquila as he allows you to point deep cut in the hair. To add soft edges to a strip or perimeter, stitch cut only the ends of the hair. The angle of the dye in relation to the hair determines the type of texture you create with the cut of point. If the shrimp is roughly parallel to the hair grain, it will remove less hair and give you a soft, pinched Finish. For a more visual texture, place the dye at a diagonal angle to the hair grain. With practice, you will learn to play with depth and cutting angle to achieve the exact results you want. Look. video to learn to puncture the hair cut safely and effectively! How to create hairstyles according to face shape - Working with features How do flattering hairstyles be created in the face without limiting your guests' options? While I could be tempting to label your face shape as round, square, diamond, and so on, actually there is a better and more custom shape to design haircuts of face color. create flattering hairstyles by face without limiting the options of your guests Instead of following the so-called "face-shaped rules", try to expand to consider the overall dimensions and lines haircut. A big hairstyle should balance the overall shape of the face, accentuate the favorite facial of your guest features, and de-emphasize less preferred features. A big hairstyle should balance the overall shape of the face, accentuate the favorite facial of your guest features, and de-emphasize less preferred features. If your guest loves your eyes, cheekbones or jaw, plan smudges or layers that point to those characteristics. For a face or wider round cheeks, think long vertical lines and sweeping layers that draw the eye down and away from the The most round part of the face. On the other hand, solid horizontal lines (such as blunt blows) draw the eye from side to side side, giving the face a more "square" appearance. It takes time to master the lines and dimensions of different haircuts, so practice these skills in your Lydia before testing them on the guests! No matter the hairstyle you design, remember that personality. Touch the shape of the face every time. It's okay to give your guest a hairstyle that fits your personality and trust, even if it is not the "perfect" cut that inflates in the face. Thinking out of the box allows you to add value behind the chair giving your guest a beautiful custom haircut that she didn't think she could throw away. Watch the video to discover how to create the best hairstyles for the shape of your client's face. add value behind the chair discover how to create the best hairstyles for the shape of your client's face. This in-depth bob tutorial takes you from the initial section, to wet cut, to blow drying, to plane ironing, and even in the detail and the texturization of a bob that falls beautifully in almost any hair head! See how the cultural ambassador of Sam Villa Andrew Carruthers runs through every detail of this modern and classic haircut. Take a mannequin and cut. Permanent Purple Hair Cutting Tutorial - Tips for a Better Mix with the Top Cutting a cut of pixie hair undercut can often leave too strong a disconnection of a type of mohawk effect. Discover a unique approach to how to set the bottom to create a better flow with the upper section. Tutorial of arc cutting in depth This deep hair cutting tutorial walks step by step from the decomposition of section, to the fundamental cutting, through the drying and refinement of this precise bowling cut, the Janna. Explore the joy of the section and haircut with a rotating dye to create this form of editing with a modern approach. Quick tips for short hair texture Sam Villa The cultural ambassador Andrew Carruthers leaps to offer 3 quick tips on short hair texture. TEN HOT TIP: Shear and Hand Position Comfort starts with the ring in the hand. Sam teaches the correct ratio of the bell to his position of the hand. ← 3 ways to cut one length Bob How do you cut a Bob's perimeter? Do you use two fingers to hold the hair section, the comb to hold the hair or use a finger or edge of the palm to hold the hair against the skin? 2. Layer techniques Undoubtedly, the most common technique we apply in commercial hair cuts is the layer. Short and high textured long and fluid, layers bring life and movement to their designs. But we can get stuck in a Rut of doing the same layering patterns over and over again. Within this section of our video guide, you will not only learn to have better control over layers but also discover creative options and solutions to common challenges facing the chair. How to cut layers in the hair of the stick ViewCreate a good sense of relaxation in the hair of the sticker strip by adding layers. A trick that works every time? Fanning and stitch cutting. Just pick up a section, superimpos your fingers, passionate the section, go in and take out your layers. Once you believe the desired degree of chunkiness, readjust and go deep in the section. Remember to keep your blade parallel to the axis of the hair and allow the fan to move while the rudder continues open. Look. video to learn to master the technique. How to create visual interest In long hair It is always a challenge to get the dimension in long and thick hair, especially because customers care that the ends He'll feel very thin. The key is to take vertical sections in foot form on the upper surface to create a Disappointed. Remember to put the big part of your pie form on top so you don't get the density of the perimeter. Cut a long inverted strong line using the , which is designed to catch that heavier and thicker hair while working. Look. video to learn to add new cool dimension to long hair and gain kudos from your customers. ← Create layers on the crown with a Twist cutting techniqueWhen you want to create layers and texture through the crown area, try the torsion cut. Just take one. section and twist around the outside of its natural position to increase elevation and overhead in outside that section. After the hair section to create a diamond shape covering the entire area of the crown, elevate the right diagonally hair of the crown, over-direct everything in the center of the section. Once you have set the spin, remove the length by cutting a diagonal finger angle. Elevation, over-direction and retouching creates a blunt line that falls soft and loose, adding a pleasant texture through the crown. Watch the video to master the technique for yourself. Ombre Layer Technique: A Major Hair Layer TechniqueLooking for an innovative cutting technique to create emotion in the living room? Let us introduce you Ombre Layers. You will be using your scissors to "pain" the hair outside triangular sections to create diffusion and an element of softness. Think of it as creating base density leads to lightness in the ends. This technique was made for customers with solid hair of a length that is cried for motion and volume. Stop. a very soft weight removal, try the . Now watch the video and impress your next client with this innovative technical. The easiest way to cut long layers along The HairLooking for the simplest way to cut long layers along the hair? Take a diagonal section forward and start on the front because that will be the shortest zone. Continue to take parallel sections, bringing all up to that same guideline so that you will overcome and elevate to the same point every time. Divide your back through the center, enter and lift the last length so that everything goes forward guide. Look how long you can leave your back with a consistent layer. Easy, right? Easier if You see the video to see exactly how it is done. How to add layers without compromising the perimeter This technique is made for the customer who wants layers, but also wants to maintain its length so has the option using a ponytail. You'll always have more hair on your back so what you need to do is protect the in front. To maintain the length, use your comb to take zigzag sections on the back and leave the weight perimeter there. If you want more than one conical layer, smooth vertically with your scissors. It's your choice. creatively. Take a look at the video to see exactly how it's done. How to create volume in the crown: Cut soft layers in the longer hair Let's see a degree of lack in the crown area again, and the use of a diamond is the best how to create weight variations in specific areas, especially on the ear. Four triangles in the crown creates the diamond. The elevation is carried through the top of the head parallel to the ground on the opposite side. The angle of the finger is parallel to the base of the triangle. Once the first triangle is cut, the guideline comes to the downtown. What is great with the concept of the diamond is that when working with triangles, you are do not get a massive degree of failure in the crown. Look at the video, then try it yourself. How to cut layers without making them shave If you have problems creating layers that don't look like choppy, we have the solution to your problem. It's all about cutting points, but you have to know how to do it. It is all about the angle of your . The trick is to remain in parallel with the hair grain to reduce the weight. If you come in At an angle, you release length but you end up with a cutting edge. Lift the section and thumb behind your finger index, create a hair fan before cutting points. Now see the video for detailed instructions. How to cut even layers when a deep part or a sweat side of the wall is used This is for you if you have customers who complain that one side is longer than the other when they take one side part. It isolates a section in the front and uses a zigzag starting in the next section. Zigzag selection is ideal to create a good edge spread with integrity. Place the layers and show the customer that you are cutting the layers even on both sides. Use a blender to smooth sections because these customers want the hair to move. The moment you take a side part that returns to the crown, the shape of the head creates the illusion of uneven layers. Watch the video and learn to have this conversation. How to keep the layers balancedThe balanced layers, especially in thicker hair, is a challenge, and you have two options if you're working on a side. You can allow a shorter layer to sit on your heavy side, or you can Longer detachment on one side so when the layers fall into a uniform point. There are negative and positive every decision. It's a difficult question, but if you go from one side and pull it off in thicker hair, much more weight will be sitting on one side. If you cut all your swaying layers on top, a layer will fall higher and one will fall Fall down. Watch the video to see how each decision creates a different result. How to create shorter layers with movement in the crown using a diamond section A fresh way to create a square shape at the top is working with a diamond. The first step is in the section the hair in the area of the crown and the number of your diamond so the left front is #1, the right front is #2, the right back is #3 and the left back is #4. You will be distributing weight and length in the diamond corners like this You'll see a degree of lack at the top. The idea is to turn around and cut into a diagonal line. Go back to your mixing sweater but with the right side down to create a more diffused edge at the top. Watch the video for step-by-step instructions. Unconnected Layers: Remove from bulk, Maintain length and accelerate drying time If you want happy customers, help them reduce the time it takes to dry their hair. One way to do which is to release weight without sacrificing length. We're talking about the hair on the back that they are. He can't see and can't work with. You want to create a lower layer, not a shortcut. Start by cutting a zigzag section on the ear and isolating That section. Then, using a , cut in a horizontal line to remove the weight on the back. Watch the detailed video instructions on the removal of bulk while maintaining length. How to add volume to the crown without any visible layer It turns out that diamonds are the best friend of a girl, especially when it comes to adding volume to the top without any visible layer. sacrificing length. The diamond-shaped sections allow the hair to bend or move away from the face, creating a sense of volume without overcoming everything. The size of the diamond is based on hair density. The thicker the hair, the bigger it will be diamond. Raise every section and pass and throw it. Then come back with us and see how glacier the top crown will be. Look at the video and start doing your customers very, very happy. How to cut layers in dry or thick hair It is always a challenge to work with hair that is very dry because you can see all lines after you taking his hair. The solution is to cut with horizontal sections of zigzag to get the hair grain working for you. Cutting out rotunda lines, hard in dry or thick hair only makes things worse. Instead, fan and deep-sea cut in each section using a . Watch the video to learn how to turn a problem into a solution. ← Using Sections of Wraith for Ball Layer and Creating Occult Volume We have been working with sections of horseshoe for a long time, but making large zigzag triangles sections is a better way to create a pleasant texture that has length and movement. You decide the length of the each section of the triangle and point-cut in it. Stand on the narrow side or on the wide side of the triangle depending on how much weight you want to leave. You want to release a lot of density? Stay on the wide side of the triangle. Look at the video and take a exit your comfort zone using the concept of triangle instead of taking simple horizontal sections through your Herrage section. You're gonna love it. How to create internal graduation on a Bob Blunt to collapse the perimeter Here is an easy way to create a graduate bob haircut with an elegant, tuned and non-visible shape in the upper surface. The secret is to place the graduation inside the hairstyle through the texturization. This gives the appearance of a blunt bob without "short sticks" but creates a more tilted shape that gives a volume sense. Starting in the center of the back of the head, take a vertical section of the hair and elevate it to 45 degrees, pointing out its fingers down to the back of the neck. This graduate cutting line helps to remove the bulk of the perimeter and keep a little weight in the middle for a beautiful bised shape. Use your cut point in the elevated section, remain almost parallel to the hair grain. When you finish the point by cutting this section, pull it up and repeat with the rest of the hair (exiting outside the sections of the facial frame on the front). Make sure you keep the scissors parallel to the hair for avoid adding visible texture to the perimeter. And that's it! A magnificent graduated bob that embraces the shape of the head and gives the illusion of natural volume. Watch the video to master this internal prom technique! How to create seamless layers on a single-length Bob Do you want to add volume and motion to a haircut of a length? This invisible layer technique makes it Easy. The creation of a separate diamond-shaped section at the top of the head allows to cut seamless layers for a lot of volume in the crown, without removing the length. Start by creating a central part in dry hair, then selecting the hair behind the ears on each side. To create your diamond section, sprinkle the comb behind the ear. The place where the comb leaves the head will form a point of your diamond. Repeat at the front of the head by spraying the flat side of the comb along the center part. Use your comb to connect these two stitches and isolate your hair with a . Repeat on the other side of your head. Then place the flat side of your comb in the crown of your head and find the point where you get up from your head. Connect this point to the points of each side and isolate the hair on top with a clip. It's important to leave the shape of the head determines the section of the diamond, instead of simply drawing a diamond with its comb. For a diffused edge, use your comb to "zigzag" the front edges of the diamond section. Isolates the hair under the section with clips, then separates the diamond section into two triangles along the central part. Elevado triangle vertically, with fingers pointing towards the front of the head, and cutting shorter hair on the front And more backwards. This graduation creates a lot of movement in the bob haircut. He is. perfect for this technique, since the long blades allow you to point deeply into the hair. Repeat on the other side of the diamond section. There you have it... a long haircut with tons of fullness and natural movement! Watch the video for add this dry cutting technique to your style arsenal. How to create invisible layers or inner layers How is the fullness, movement and body added to a haircut without creating visible layers? In this video you will learn to cut layers "ghost" or invisible layers in thick, medium or thin hair. To create this reverse layer haircut, select the dry hair behind the ears in the place where the hair density changes. It isolates the front sections of the hair on each side with . Create a horizontal section of hair on the neck neck, and isolate the hair on top with another clip. Working with vertical pieces of 1", "lock" the hair to discover its natural curve. Raise your hair in a 90 degree angle (parallel to the ground) and use hair to cut short to long, starting with the natural curve point. Apply the light tension and "talk" the bell through each section while cutting. The slide cut the shrimp slides gently through the hair for a smooth and diffused finish. Cut from the bottom to add the fullness to thin hair, or from the top to thick and heavy hair. Continue to layer the entire back section, working the head in horizontal subsections. (Beware of hair growth patterns in the crown to avoid creating a coconut.) Then isolate the back section of the hair with a clip and repeat this process with the front sections of each side. Remove clips, comb and ruin your hair, finish with Redken Shine Flash 02 and you're finished! This style is perfect for your guests who want some volume and movement, but don't want the appearance of layers hair. Watch the video to learn to create invisible haircuts with layers in all hair types! How to create invisible layers - Zigzag Underlayering Looking for a way to add a silhouette to long and thick hair while keeping the length of your guests You want some? Try this creative technique to unhook heavy hair with invisible layers or "ghosts". To create this haircut with reverse layer, prep the wet hair with Redken's One United and split the hair in front of the hair the ears on each side. Create a horizontal section on the head crown. To ensure that the hair on the top is thick enough to hide the invisible layers below, check if your comb is visible under this section. If you you can clearly see the comb through the hair, add extra hair. Creating a zigzag partition is the key to achieving invisible layers without hard lines. Holding the section of the crown in one hand, use your comb to lift a small piece of hair from the lower section and add it to the Crown section. Then collect a piece of hair from the section of the crown and lower it to the lower section. Suplent between the upper and lower sections while moving through the head. It's important to work with purpose and intent as planned zigzag. Because the hair in the section of the crown will not be cut, consider adding larger sections of hair from low density areas to the upper section. Long and vertical zigzags result on a softer and diffuse limit. Once you have created a horizontal part of zigzag through the head, cut the upper section of the hair out of the way. Get up. a guide to the "peak" of a zigzag, cut the guide and separate a small vertical subsection of the hair. Elevar the hair up against the head and cut it to the length of the guide. Repeat with the following zigzag, which matches the new guide to the length of the first. This helps ensure even layers if your zigzags are not perfectly balanced. Continue this process while you work your way around your head. Before removing the clips, blow the bottom section to make sure it has the way you want. The the volume must collapse against the back of the neck, allowing the hair on top to embrace the shape of the head. Your long-haired guests will love these invisible layers, but don't forget to explain what you're doing and why! Great communication adds value behind the chair and gives your guest confidence in you and your hairstyle. Look. video to learn how to cut ghost layers zigzag in long and thick hair. How to create volume and motion in thin hairAdvanced how to add motion and volume to thin hair? The swelling makes thin hair even thinner, so it's hard to create haircuts stucco for thin hair without losing the perimeter. Blond hair is especially difficult because the lines we create are more visible! This is a smart way to solve these problems: Start with DRY hair and a half. Place the spine of your comb in the part and the rock backwards and forwards near the hairline. Note the place where the comb comes out in the hairline, place a finger there, and use your comb to draw a "umbrella" line to the back of the head. Make sure There is enough density below the line - this will support the layers you create! Take on your line with the wide teeth of your comb, then place your teeth against your head and "zigzag" the comb And down. Put your finger through the hair where the section was separated, and lift the upper section. Repeat the other side of the head (close another zigzag on the back if necessary) and isolate this upper section with clips. Bring the rest of the hair around back and cut it in a low horsetail in the back. Now unlock the upper section and collect a small vertical subsection next to the central part. Raise your hair vertically so that the hair is at an angle of 90 degrees to the head and its fingers are parallel to the shape of the head. Point cut in the hair with her in a diagonal to the hair grain. Using the cutting section as a guide and following the curve of the head, continue working through the crown in vertical subsections. When the entire upper section has been layered, comb through all the hair and lift it vertically. Keep your hair in half-adjust in one hand and cut stitch throughout the section to clean any extra-long piece. Then get the gun out. clips, comb through the hair, and use the to mix any visible line on the hair surface. The result is a beautiful silhouette, the illusion of more volume in the hair, and no layer of "choppy"! Watch video for more tips on creating volume in fine hair, including why you should make a dry cut for this hair type and how to get the best results by mixing while preserving the perimeter. Your fine-haired guests will love This! Silence Two ways to fix shaving layers What do you do when your layers come out to look heavy, blocked or shelf? Don't panic with the right. techniques that it is possible to fix layers of chocolate and reset the weight in haircut. It is important to start by isolating the "problem space" where the layer of shave is felt in the hair. Once you separate this vertical section, raises the hair to about 45 degrees. Lifting will help you visualize where The additional weight lives. Turn off the ends of the section and cut some weight with the point Now lower the section and re-evaluate. If a choppy layer is still visible, lift the section a little higher, up to about 60 degrees. This will reveal a blocked or heavy corner if one is present. Once again, turn off the section And cut the ends, then leave the section instead. Repeat this process as necessary until the layer merges well with the surrounding hair. Then lift the hair straight up to 90 degrees and stitch cut into the ends remove any corner that remains. Drop the section down, comb through the hair, and make sure the final shape is Right! But what if you need to remove weight without changing the silhouette and making the upper layers too Short? With the right tool, you can do it! Once the section of the problem is separated and raised, remove weight from the inside with your Leave the section in place and reevaluate the balance of weight. Yeah. necessary, lift the section a little higher and use the Invisiblend to selectively unplug the layer. (You may need drop the surface-level hair piece to avoid creating teddy ends.) And that's it! No matter what technique you choose, a slow and methodical approach helps you avoid elimination too much hair. Watch the video to learn how to fix long or short layers! Silence How to cut beautiful layers in a classic Bob Do you want to add layers to a classic bob haircut without losing the solid bob shape? A great way to address this challenge is to dry a separate cut from the section on the head crown. Dry cutting is a great technique for strong shapes because it allows you to see the visual edge while working. add layers to a classic bob haircut without losing the shape of solid bob cut a carefree section on the head crown. To create this short layer bob, separate a section in the shape of a lock around the crown from the head. Secure the hair under this section with Sam Villa Starting in the center of the back of the head, pick up a small piece of hair from the bottom of the section in the form of U to use as a guide. Raise a vertical subsection of the hair to the shape of the head and cut it to the length of the guide with your Sam Villa 6.25" . Swap the edges to fanning out the hair and knit cut in the subsection. Continue this process while working around the shape of the head in vertical subsections. Use the cut layers as a guide and Make sure you comb every new section on both sides while lifting it to the shape of the head. Once you reach the front area, start overdirecting your hair to the top of your head. This allows you to maintain more weight and length in the front of the bob. Then pull out the clips, brush the brush hair, and you're done! The result is a soft-layer cob cut with a solid perimeter. Watch the video to learn to create a beautiful haircut with layers. learn to create a beautiful haircut with layers. Silence Adding layers of facial decoration to fine hair to the characteristics of concentration This framing technique is perfect for the customer who has a naturally fine hairline and/or for the customer who is experience thinning around the hairline. The technique is also great for the customer who comes for a cut that was on layers or on textured from the Last cut. The pieces you choose to cut will add the necessary definition to the frame and make the hair look denser. Silence How to Cut A French Bob Discover how to cut a French bob with Sam Villa. This classic haircut receives a fresh approach and a dose of texture and movement in this haircut of all length video. From curly, to wavy, straight, the bob is always a grap in the living room. Silence A unique approach to classic Bob graduated We don't see any signs of the classic bob shape coming out soon. Do you have difficulty playing the graduated bob Or sloping bob on the regular? Sam. Villa ArTeam member Jesse Linares shares a unique approach that builds graduation in haircut first. This will provide a more consistent result that can be applied behind the chair. 3. Facial capture techniques Every great piece of art deserves the perfect frame. Every day, the first thing your guests see is the front your haircut and how it affects your facial shape. The correct facial frame technique can accentuate your best features or take the focus away from the areas they want to hide. Within this section of our video guide, you will find options for different textures for hair, as well as creative possibilities that are easy to apply in the living room. How to easily fit the hair around the face using a gun cutting techniqueLooking for an easy way to frame the hair around the face without making one side look shorter? We have two solutions to that problem. One is to start with a central part and create three benchmarks. There is also another way you use a wide towel comb and, which allows you to collect a lot of hair at once. It's all about comb and raise your hair before your cut-off hand starts the action. Watch the video to find out how easy it is to get an angle that goes short to long and will be consistent both sides. Permanent Facial Formation Technique: Add the texture without removing the length Want to add texture and movement around the face without removing the length or adding leftover layers to the Haircut? You've reached the right place. Take a couple of . The blade is designed to hold the hair, so you're not pushing it out of He's the shed while you cut. Find your reference point and take a horizontal finger position there. Get in the back and place your thumb on the helm. Now open and close while you talk your way through your hair perimeter. Watch the video and learn to master the technique. ← Face-Function Sencilla Technique: Front Gun Cutting Technique Do you want to reach a balanced angle in the front of the short in the long? A new torsion cutting category is designed to do so. Separate the front backwards on both sides. Use a large cut comb to comb your hair forward towards you. Start with you. cutting the hand, setting where you want the length. Come in, pointing your fingers down. Now bring your left deliver directly on that and continue to twist. Then cut a horizontal line with its dry cut scissors. Once You release will have the short-to-long angle on both sides in a single cut. Watch the video and learn how to do it yourself. TENING Adding layers of facial perforation to fine hair to accentuate features Add layers to fine hair without creating teddy ends around the face is a common problem. The idea is to strengthen the ends, so instead of raising, you will create defined pieces that will provide more density and create the illusion of fullness. The key is to find a focal point, say cheekbones or jaw, and highlight that area. First, take the front edge and pinch a piece of hair forward. Don't cut back and away from your face. Instead, come from behind and talk about scissors to the focal point for a pop of visual interest. Watch the video and get the whole story. ← How to create facial perforation layers with a RazorWant to create facial frame layers with a highly textured sensation in one step? The Sam Villa 6-Gap Texturizing Blade makes it easy. Since you will be working on dry hair, prep your hair with Redken Shine Flash 02 glistening mist to add a bit of slide. Now, take a diagonal section through the fringe area and over-direct to the opposite cheek. Maintain a elevation of 45 degrees and has a perpendicular finger angle to the grain hair. Use a light and smooth polishing motion over and over in each section until you remove the desired amount of hair. Multiple cuts will produce the softness and movement you want, and it's okay to have a little guide-to-guide detachment. Watch the video and see how a combination of over-direction, elevation and finger angle can make a difference in your results. ← Long Layers with Facial FrameLearn a simple way to create a long haircut with the face frame for your guests with all different types of hair and densities. This in-depth haircut tutorial features a section technique called the Breakdown of the Foundation. Start by preparing wet hair with Redken's One United. Section hair in four main areas: left side, right side, center back, up. Remove the upper and lateral sections of the road. Remember the elevation and angle of the fingers both affect the balance of weight in a long-layer haircut. Lower elevation will remove more density the perimeter and leave the weight at the top of the shape, while a higher elevation will eliminate more density the top and keep the weight in the perimeter. Take a vertical subsection from the center of the back of the head and cut stitch on the ends with the . Repeat with the entire central section of the back. Then unlock the upper section and divide it into two parts. Create a vertical line from the top or peak head down to the rear section of the center on each side. Separate the hair in front of this line, divide it by the Midline, and add it to the front side parts. Repeat the process of cutting points in the section of the crown. Once the layers are cut, texture in the perimeter. Cutting the perimeter after creating the layers prevents you from cutting Same hair twice. To create the face by framing facial frames or layers, overdirect the hair forward into a lower elevation. This It'll help the hair fall and get out of the face. Adjust the angle of your finger depending on how fast you want shape to fall from the shortest face frame layer in the perimeter. Once you cut the shortest piece, use it as guide to connect the facial frame to the perimeter. Slow the hair, re-adjust the form as necessary, mix any heavy layer, and it is finished! Watch the video for a full haircut demonstration and discover how to create beautiful aerodynamic layers. Tutorial in the face frame in a short Bob Have you ever had a client complaining that his cut and reddish cut leaves too much hair around his skin? While it is tempting to fix this by angling out of the corners of the bob to create a frame of the face around the jaw, this interrupts the perimeter and the shape of the hairstyle! Instead, try this creative technique to change the frame of the face up in the top layers of the bob. First, identify where the strip ends, slightly in front of the top of the head. From that point on, take a small diagonal section of back about 1⁄2 inch inside the hair. Cut the hair behind this off the road. Collect a small diagonal subsection forward next to the strip, and add a small piece of the strip to use as a guide. Overdirect this subsection forward and cut the slide from the inside, connecting the guide to the perimeter. This creates a shorter layer that opens the cut bob around the face. If necessary, add a little more hair to the facial frame and cut. Repeat on the opposite side. It is so simple! it is perfect for this task, as the curved blades create soft butter edges while sliding through the hair. If you find that the new layers of face frames are separated from the perimeter, use the to combine the area where the layer joins the lower section of the hair. One or two taps should do it... Be careful not to over-doubt! Watch the video to learn to add layers of face frame to a short bob. Framing Face technique to add texture without removing length How can you add texture to your hair without sacrificing length or create many layers? Many of ours Guests with haircuts of a length would like a facial frame that shows their favorite features. Here's a way achieve that soft-faced frame while maintaining density through the perimeter. During the consultation, identify the facial feature you want to highlight (such as your cheekbone or jawline). This will serve as a reference point for your facial frame parts. Place your fingers in your hair next to the face to the level of the chosen reference point, with the fingers parallel to the ground. Make sure that only collect the amount of hair that can be cut "safe" without compromising the perimeter. Bring the hair from behind the guide hand. Slide your hand down the hair and place the blades at the reference point level. "Talk" your way through the section (opening and opening closing the scissors with the thumb), while sliding your guide's hand through the hair. When you get to the bottom of the section, your hand guide fingers should aim where you want to end the framework. Go to this area as the cut is finished, and then repeat on the other side. There you have it... a beautiful soft face frame with a touch of texture that is perfect for your guests that Love your long styles! Watch the video to master this facial frame technique. How to Cut Facial Frame LayersThe face frame layers are one of the most common requests of lounge customers, so this is a large area to raise your level abilities. Working with diagonal sections and high elevation, you can create a beautiful soft face frame with confidence and control. Start with dry hair and a central part. Take a diagonal section forward next to the face and diagonally elevate it Out of the head. Determine the point in the face where you want the layers to start, and place your fingers on the section at this point. Cut along the guide with , then turn off the section and cut stitch at the ends for extra smoothness. Collect another diagonal section forward along with the guide section, and upload both sections together. Slide his deliver the section until you are from a finger of the guide line. The guide will be removed from the section. Court along the guide, then turn off the section and cut stitch at the ends. Continue to work through the hair in diagonal sections from ahead, adding each new section to existing layers and overdirecting the hair to the central part. Extend your hand to a finger length over the previous layer, then cut any hair that remains. He keeps working beyond his ear until you're out of hair and all the hair falls when he falls. overdriven forward. Using guides and over-direction helps to create consistent and predictable results with less mixing. Just comb through the hair and check through the holes or holes in the frame of the face. If necessary, elevated hair again and stitch cut to the ends to remove any excess weight. Repeat on the opposite side, and you are good To go! Watch the video to discover how to cut layers of facial frames in long and short hair. Sam Villa creates an easy approach to replicate and creates predictable results. Fringe Tutorial Here's a new way to create a long curtain strip with reverse graduation. Working with dry hair, create a central part and isolate the hair that will form the strip in a section in the form of triangle. Clip the rest hair out of the way. Now pick up a small diagonal subsection from each side of the central part. Bring these two subsections together and over-drive the hair forward, with the hair lifted horizontally (parallel to the ground). With your finger angle vertical (the fingers of the guide hand pointing down), stitch cut in the hair with his Collect another vertical subsection, add the hair to the central subsection, and overdirect the hair forward and forward downtown. Use the spine of your comb to separate your guide (the hair you just cut) from the newly added hair. Slide your fingers down the section until the guide pinches between your fingers, then stitch cut into the finish with new hair. Disassembling each section in this way creates a smoother and lighter edge and helps the ends "flick" out. Continue with this process until you reach the edge of the strip, and then repeat at the opposite side. To finish this hairstyle, use a flat iron and a round brush to rotate the edge of the curtain. If necessary, use the to trim any piece that is still too long after being bi-sed. There you have it... an easy and predictable way to create this fashion look by adding value behind the chair! Watch the video to master this technique to cut a long edge of the curtain or close the curtain. Silence 4. How to cut BangsBangs (you may prefer to call them a bang) is an essential accessory for any classic or modern haircut. A thoughtfully created, fringe executed skillfully is not easy however! When studying the videos in this section, you will not only feel safer, but also have an amazing library of concepts to recommend that perfect blow to any guest of living room. Blending Shear Backstroke Technique: Remove Weight & Add Volume Here is an efficient way to remove the weight and add the volume in the fringe area. We call it. Blending Shear Backstroke Technique. Start by taking a diagonal slice forward. Now, overwhelm the hair so it moves back and away from the face. Place the rotunda leaf of the Sam Villa Invisiblend Hear in the hair on the diagonal and work it out. Now close, back, open, close, back and release the section. That's all there is. Watch the video to master a technique designed to control the movement around the perimeter edge. Silence How to cut and finish a full scalpel Looking for an infallible technique to cut a deep strip with a natural bezel? Our Villa Sam Series of signatures 7" dry cut The shiners create less room for error because you are not opening and closing them so often. The dry cut also allows you to determine more accurately the correct length. Keep a flat wide tooth comb to the forehead, drop your hair deep into your teeth, enter with your dry cut and establish your guide. Cut the left side and repeat to the right. Our advice: Never leave fringes a length. Watch the video and remove the puzzle game from how much of the corner to cut How to cut a side flank? You've seen Sam create a balanced strip with a "twist-cut" technique, now look as he adapts the technique to achieve a beautiful side strip of soak! A key element to create any side rowing strip is to make sure you are working with the guest natural part. When placing your body outside the center when twisted, build strong over-direction that easily produces that natural sweeping movement you're looking for. Look how Sam also gives you an easy way to find the natural part of your guest. ← How to Cut Bangs & Style Fringe - Cut the perfect strip using the Bang Twist Cutting Technique Now here is a technique that comes with a lot of fringes. Twist Cutting lets you create perfect Bangs with a degree of hardness in the center that perfectly frame the face. Cut dry hair allows you to judge the length accordingly. Start from the top point of the head to the corner of the eyes, and Remember, you have a creative choice when it comes to how heavy you want that strip to be. Work with your big cut comb, stabilizing each section with thin teeth underneath. Get in. lifting, keeping your hand close to your head. Now twist, cut and loose. Watch the video for Learn to run this innovative technique for yourself. actress Michelle Williams FringeDuplicate Michelle Williams's classic pixie strap, while the multiple strip identities. To create the first look, which has a rock 'n' roll feeling, use the signature Sam Villa Series 7" Dry cutting Sheep to cut hair just from the skin but as close as possible natural fall. Keep a low elevation so that the flap does not turn wispy, and cut the distance point, working very visually. Using the still blade in the shed, whisk your hair away to create peaks and valleys and some open spaces. To channel the classic Hollywood chic, just comb your hair to the opposite side so the longest hair - What? Now watch the video to learn to create a strip with multiple personalities. How to cut a complete strip of non-voltage: Zoey Deschanel Bangs Tutorial There's nothing like a full strip to wake up a shape, but cutting those dry flanks allows you to controls growth patterns. Another trick is to work with a central part, combing hair forward in a natural falling in position. The bang will tell you where he wants to split up when you push him. You'll work with me. a rectangular shape and the use of a wide tooth comb so that it has no tension. The porticos are very temperamental, but when using the middle finger as a cutting board, it will relax more fringe. The perfect strip is never lengthy, and you're not home free until you undress Fringe hitting the corner. Watch the video to master the technique that would make Zoey Deschanel proud. Silence 2 Bangs Cutting Ways: Side Bistury and Chunky Textured FringeTaylor Swift and Britney Spears have been working long side frings. Move the strip from one side to the other, and suddenly he has a new identity. This is where scissors are mixed Come carefully. Use them to release the length with a smooth edge, cutting the strip in the bias so it has the capacity to move. Another trend we are seeing is a strip that seems to have been vandalized. You know what? we are talking about: chewing texture with a lot of woven density in. Use your mixing scissors to take big and deliberate pieces. Cut diagonally in the opposite direction and see how the different textures play against one to the other. We broke it all up in the video. ← Fringe Declaration: How to cut short edges of the state are having a moment, but creating the surface texture in the hair really dense when working this near the hairline can be a challenge. Grab Your Sam Villa Signature Series 5-3/4" go a little shorter, using a point cutting technique for freehand in the strip. Now change to the . Enter a light diagonal to the strand of the hair, close and slide towards remove some of the bulk. Now go for that visual interest on the surface by grasping what you want. cut and talk about scissors by hair. Watch the video and learn to be aggressive with your fringes to get that vandalized texture that's in the trend. How to cut the eel buds: The Asymmetric layered fringe An asymmetric layer strip creates a great movement with a good inclination for a focal point. The key is layer first and then refine the perimeter. Using your , knitting in your cutting line to imitate the shape of the head. Point-cut to guide, back to the stationary guide. Keep the address back to the stationary guide and follow the head shape to build a lot of length to the left. Now go in and refine the perimeter. This is where you have options. You leave it a little more. Or really make a statement for going shorter? Watch the video and see exactly how it is done. ← How to cut Fringe with reverse graduation This is a great way to create a strip with a sense of fullness but the disturbed texture around the edges. Start from the inside and work your way out. Pick up your professional and cut points, scanning as you work in the first section, raising diagonally like you scan the second section. Then raise the guideline and keep the finger angle behind the guide so that it can go deeper into the third section. Keep scissors on a diagonal, set the length. When you release the weight, your scissors it will be perpendicular to the desired length and will begin to see a masticulated edge. Now come in and Turn the bang. The video decomposes it. Removing weight from a heavy bang Finding that you've left too much weight in the strip after you've fucked your hair frustrating. Fixing the problem is easy if you find out where density lives. A common mistake is to texturize the surface because the problem is usually inside. Take you. You can be very aggressive with this pull without seeing any line in your haircut. The weight usually comes from the lower section so it comes below, pull the shed away and remove small amounts of hair. With each section you will float a little further from the scalp for you You don't get any jumper while you're approaching the surface. Watch the video to learn how to start from the inside out when approaching density. Silence How to Cut Balanced Sprouts I wonder how to cut perfect punches? Using 3 pieces guide helps keep that straight line heavy balanced and even side by side. To create blunt punches, start by drawing a line from the corner of the eye to the top of the head on each side. (For most guests, the two lines will connect right below the top of the head.) The hair that falls in front It will form the strip. Cut the hair behind this section off the road. Then create your guides! Separate a very small section of the hair on each edge of the section (below the corner of the each eye) and another small section on the middle line (on the bridge of the nose). Clip the rest of the front section on the head. Using the eyes as a reference point, cut the guides to the length of the desired explosion. Drop a thin horizontal layer of hair on the guiding parts to define your perimeter. Clip the rest of the front section again at the top of the head. Place your hair in the wide teeth of your cut comb, adjust your comb angle to see both guides, and connect the side and middle guides using the Separate another thin horizontal section, drop hair on the newly cut perimeter, and cut the rest of the hair up the head. Again, gently fix the hair on the wide teeth of the comb, make sure you can see both guides and the section cut above, and connect the guides together. Repeat until all the hair of the front section in the form of triangle has been added to the strip. Take your time. Here! Working in small subsections helps prevent hair from coming out of scissors, accidental overdirection, And a strip too short! If necessary, use it to gently remove the weight of the heavy areas. As with all hair cutting techniques, working with strategy and intent is key. Watch the video to learn how to create a solid, even perimeter in its blunt blows! How to Cut Shorts, Drink Bangs, Fringe Baby or Fringe Statement Whether you call them bebe bangs, drink fringe, or statement strip, textured short bangs are everywhere right now. The key to creating this dramatic aspect is to work with intent and purpose (and add a touch of softness to make it more usable!). Start by defining the area where the strip will live. Using your comb, draw a vertical line from the corner of each to the top of the head. Comb this hair forward in its natural fall and cut the rest of the hair out By the way. For a sharp definition, cut the strip of declaration at zero elevation (in its natural fall). Do your thing. first cut right above your guest's eye with the slight angle to the hair's grain. Work through hair on each side, creating peaks and valleys to develop your desired shape. Once you've cut off the bangs on each side, go to the center of the baby. Then shake and remove the strip with your fingers and cut off the havoc hairs. If these heavy blows feel blocked in the background, stitch cut in the strip with it to gently extract weight. It's so simple! Watch the video to learn to add baby bangs to long or short hairstyles! TENIDO Curtain Fringe - Curtain Bangs How-A with horizontal sections Curtain bangs (also known as "curtainnge") is one of the most popular types of bang. There are many different ways to cut the curtain down, and it's always a great idea to keep things cool with new techniques! Using horizontal sections that have perfect control over the shape of the perimeter, making this a great choice for guests with thick and heavy hair. Start by wrapping the hair drying and selecting the fringe area. To find the natural hair loss, grab the hair the recession zone and blouse. The section of flecos is defined by the lines of recession (where the hair naturally and the high point of the head. Get the sections out of the way. Pick up a 1⁄2 inch horizontal section across the front and comb forward towards the natural fall. Clip the rest of the hair up the head. Collect a central subsection and place the hair in the wide teeth of the comb. Slide the comb down to just below the host's eyebrows and remove the length with the . Remember to err on the longest side to avoid removal too hair-- you can always come back and cut your hair shorter later, but you can't put your hair back once it's been Cut! Repeat this process on the right and left sides, with the comb placed at an angle. As you point cut in your hair with the scissors tips, the free hand cut a slight curvature to frame the face. Then separate another small horizontal section from the crown. Collect a guide piece, raise your hair to 90 degrees to the shape of the head, and point cuts the central section to the length of the guide. Repeat right and left the sides. Make sure NO to direct your hair! Lifting the hair gives these long curtains hit tons of movement and beautiful soft edges. Continue working through the shape of the head in narrow horizontal sections, using a guide of the layer below, until the whole strip has been cut. Finish with Redken Dry Shampoo Paste 05 on the surface of the strip, and you are Well done! Watch the video to learn how to cut and style the curtain hits! How to cut short shoots with lots of texture - Baby Fringe What is the secret to creating super short strokes with a lot of texture? When a guest asks for a modern micro fringe, it is tempting to bring all hair to its natural fall and start cutting free of charge. Unfortunately, this can result in too heavy blows or an uneven perimeter! Planning and intention essential to create a balanced perimeter with smooth movement in its short textured strokes. Start by blowing the strip, then separate a horizontal section at the top of the forehead. Hair. behind this section to the side and secure in place with a clip. Starting in the center, cut point the section with a small bell like the . This is a very short style, but the dry blow will prevent hair to appear. Once you have cut the baby in the "guide" section, release the clip and comb the hair in your natural fall. Collect a small vertical subsection and raise it to 90 degrees, so that the hair is parallel to the ground. Find the guide piece and the stitch cut the hair to the length of the guide. This layer technique adds shape and softness for the super short blow. Repeat this process with the rest of the strip, overdirecting each vertical subsection to the center. For extra soft and light finish, use your weight to lift the perimeter and texturize the surface with the . Apply the dry shampoo of Redken Paste 05 to the strip, itching through hair with fingers for fashion texture, and you are made! Watch the video to learn how to cut super shorts in long and short hair. How to cut the side shoots to carry on both sides - Double side How do you cut side flakes for a guest who changes their day to day? The secret is to use diagonal lines and create a soft edge using a mixing shed. Depleted lines add weight, which will prevent Floating blows on the other side. Start by locate the natural parts of your guest on the left and right sides. To do this, comb your hair diagonally back to the top of the crown and blouse the hair forward. Watch where the hair opens on each side... natural part. Use your comb to create a triangle-shaped section of the natural part of each side to the top of the head. It isolates the hair under this section with clips, and part the triangle section below the center. Raise a section diagonally and place your fingers guide the hair to the length of the lip of the guest. Labour short to long, knit the thread sheet of the section (as if you were making a highlight). Close the blade teeth around the hair and slide the shed to the head. Release and repeat these steps to all hair has been textured. The hair will get tangled, but it's okay! Comb through the section vertically with take the partition of your comb, then unravel with the teeth of the comb. Repeat this process on the other side head. The result is a balanced strip with its longest point in the center. Your guest can easily sweep Your bangs on both sides depending on your mood, or even part the bang in the middle for the curtain hit! This is a great way to add value behind the chair by personalizing hair cut for your preferences. Watch the video to master this cool technique to create reversible side fringes! Twist Fringe / Twist Bang Technique - An update to your favorite technique! Ready to level your torsion cutting technique? A twisting blow is a strip that is twisted when cut, create a graduated arch effect that frames the face beautifully. The key to achieving a perfect spin cut fringe is paying attention to details, including hairstyle, elevation and finger angle. Annimate your technique of punch cutting? The key to achieving a perfect spin cut fringe is paying attention to details, including hairstyle, elevation and finger angle. Start by separating dry hair in the center and splitting a section in the form of triangle on each side of the part. Secure the hair behind the triangle sections with Sam Villa. Take the two sections of the triangle together and overwhelm the hair forward on the face. Check the way equilibrium... are both sides equal? If not, adjust the sections to ensure that everyone has the same amount of hair. Keep your hair as low as possible, with minimal lifting, grab your hair with the index and middle fingers of your cutting your hand over the bridge of your nose. Maintain a horizontal finger angle that is parallel to the ground essential to create uniform and balanced blows. Maintain a horizontal finger angle that is parallel to the ground essential to create uniform and balanced blows. Turn your cut hand so your fingers point towards the bridge of your nose. Then place the index and the medium the fingers of the uncut hand on top of the cut hand, grab the hair firmly, and slide your short hand far. Finish the spin by turning the uncut hand so your fingers are flat against the forehead while holding the hair. Using your Sam Villa 6.75" , "scan" through your hair under your torsion grip by cut-point in the section in a light angle to hair grain. Collect a piece of hair from the head crown to use as a guide and cut it to the hairline level. Working in horizontal subsections from the head's crown down to the hairline, overdraw the hair backwards the crown and the cut to the length of the guide. Keep your shed angle parallel to the ground and create straight blunt lines. Over-direction gives you the natural graduation that follows the shape of the head. Over-direction gives you the natural graduation that follows the shape of the head. Finish by beveling the bangs with the Sam Villa Sleekr and the series of signatures. Malte the surface of the strip with Redken Dry Shampoo Powder 02, remove the side clips, And you're good to go! Watch the video to learn a fresh technique to successfully cut a twist. learn a fresh technique to successfully cut a twist. How to cut the long curtain shoots / curtain tutorial I wonder how to cut the curtains that fall directly into the center and fall in length, sweeping Arists? The secret to get this sharp drop in length while keeping the softness is to use a mixture of vertical and horizontal cutting techniques. how to cut the curtains that fall directly into the center and fall in length, sweeping Arists? use a mixture of vertical and horizontal cutting techniques. Start by drying your hair in your natural fall. Separate the central section facing your guest nose, from the center of a student to the center of the other student. Lift this section to a 90° horizontal angle and over-direct the hair to the center. Point cut in the section with his Sam Villa almost parallel to the hair grain. Cut your strip a little more than you. He thinks he needs to be... remember, you can always come back and take more hair, but you can't put your hair back if you can't You're going too short! Cut your strip a little more than you. He thinks he needs to be... remember, you can always come back and take more hair, but you can't put your hair back if you can't You're going too short! To cut the long sides of the curtain edge, collect a horizontal section that is framed by the central section, recession zone and hairline. Lift this section at an angle of 90° to the shape of the head and grab the hair with a diagonal finger angle steeped. Remove excess length and stitch cut into the hair, using a small piece of central section as a guide. Continue with this process while working on the head in horizontal sections, and then repeat in the opposite side. Texturize the central section by cutting point on the edge of the perimeter, keeping the hair on a low elevation and its deer parallel to the hair grain. For a defined and textured finish, style the curtain hits with Redken Dry Shampoo flavor 05. There you have it... a beautiful strip of soft curtain with barred sides that frame the face. Watch the video for learn to create long curtain strokes with ease! learn to create long curtain strokes with ease! With a Cowlick. If you have an erratic or erratic growth pattern on your bang, this simple blowing drying technique will solve the Trouble! How to create curtain shoots Celebrities everywhere are wearing curtain bracelet, and their customers will be asking for them as soon as they seem, They've been on the verge of people's interests on social media. Byrdie reports that in the end, the bang has enjoyed a 600% spike in pins on Pinterest. Celebrities Alexa Chung and Kirsten Dunst to name some are hugging this look, and can you blame them? They are wispy and perfectly frame the sides of your face! In this shaving haircut tutorial, Sam Villa shows how to create curtain strips and tips to style them too! Pixie Peluqueria Tutorial - Cut the top Sam. The member of Villa ArTeam Jesse Linares shares ideas about cutting the top of the deck using shaver techniques for Soft. Look to the end for ways to add the final touches to this beautiful shape! Silence 5. A large shaving hairstyle consists of shaving ends, layers around the crown, and a lot of texture. Look at these videos to help you master the shave haircut. How to cut and model a short circuitDiscover a new approach to cut and comb a short haircut. Learn how to use a diffuser and a "bebide" effect to remove the massive texture created through the unseen and disconnected layers in this short haircut. How to create a modern haircut The Modern Shag has been trending hard for the past 2 years, but now it's making it a way to go to a hairdresser. Discover a new approach to a classic haircut in this video of the entire length of Sam Villa. How to cut hair to get away from your faceDiscover how to coat your hair on your head using a diamond section to create a moving sense back and away from your face. This is an excellent layer technique for cutting modern shaving hair as the top part is separated from the bottom, allowing you to keep weight and length on the ear. Silence Shear-Cut Shag With Becka Bradshaw Choosing the right tool to create the right result should always be your first decision when approaching a highly textured haircut. Learn how, when, where " why choose a jersey vs. a knife (Hint) ... it is MAS than the texture of the hair of the customer! What you will learn: Silence Transformation Tuesday w / Sammy - Matt Beck de FreeSalonEducation. Com - The Modern ShagJoin our good friend and pioneer of digital education Matt Beck with host Andrew Carruthers to discover a new approach to a favorite crowd, the Shag Modern. Silence How to create hairstyles according to face shape - Working with features Discover how to create hairstyles according to the shape of the face working to accentuate the most attractive features of your living room while pointing out attention away from the areas you don't want to focus on. Most of the guests in the living room (and even hairdressers) are not the best judge if someone has a round face, square face, oval face, etc... so following the so-called "rules" does not always work. Instead, look at the overall dimensions and how haircut will balance the overall shape of the face while drawing the eye to highlight the features. Be the first to knowGet all the latest information on sales and offers. Subscribe to the newsletter today. Symbol For exclusive offers " access to products. HELPPRODUCTSEDUCATION
Minnesota School of Cosmetology For more information on our COVID-19 response, we hope to serve you soon! For more information on our COVID-19 response What are the different hair cutting techniques? Different people get haircuts for different reasons. Talking to you about what a customer doesn't like from your current cut can help guide you to make any necessary correction. Also, if you have a specific hairstyle in mind you should be frontal and detailed about your expectations so that your customer can make the right decisions. The reasoning and motivation behind wanting a change in the hairstyle can help inform the method and tool options. That is why it is important to be a hairdresser who can communicate openly with customers. And, the best way to get ready for a haircut career is to attend a hair school near you. Let's see more in depth the three main reasons people are looking for a new haircut. Haircut Techniques: Correction Correction Hairdrying refers to fixing something than to customer is not satisfied with their current cut or style. This can vary from the wildly dramatic to the barely remarkable. It all depends on the type of correction they're looking for. For example, you could escape with very subtle and minor changes if they are unhappy with the thickness or volume of their hair. However, if you expect to correct a previous haircut error or with the aim of creating dramatic motion that will probably need more dramatic solutions. Haircut Techniques: Self-expression Haircuts are a great way to physically express personality and attitude. They can even be used to celebrate changes and recognize the beginning of a new personal chapter. Know how a customer wants to know haircut to make them feel can help you make the right decisions for tools and techniques. Are you looking for an easy look, low maintenance that values Function? Do you expect to soften some edges with something bounced and fun? These types of descriptors can help you create the look they want to see when they Look in the mirror. Fashion design or style haircuts Although these types of cuts are rare, and usually apply more for wig work, fashion projects are another reason why a customer might need a new hairstyle. Photographic films, musical videos, films and photography projects are just some of the examples of highly styling projects that might require dramatic change in court or . These advanced hair cutting techniques can be learned in a hair school near you. Things to consider about a haircut It can be easy to look at celebrities and want their exact hairstyle. Unfortunately, the vast differences in hair from person to person can really make it difficult to pull the same look as someone else. Before you client falls in love with a haircut that would be unrealistic, take a moment consider your current hairstyle situation. Here's a quick look at some of the the things you want to take into account when you are shopping style for your Customer haircuts. Hair texture Be realistic about how your client's hair texture is: is it thick, thin, curly or straight? This will help you to be realistic about how a haircut may seem once it is completed, as well as how it could grow over time. If they have synthetically texturized their follicles by relaxing or perming them, that should be taken into account before cutting hair, too. Hair Status Your customer may want a long and luxurious hairstyle, but if their ends are severely damaged they may prevent them from reaching that goal. At the same time, if you fight with an exceptionally dry scalp or damaged root system, a short cut can make the problem worse and more visible. If your customer really wants a new dazzling hairstyle take the time to talk about the current condition and the deadlines of your hair. Current Haircut There are things that your client's current haircut can determine your future. For example, if you are currently looking with a lot of choppy or dramatic angles that you can take to lose a little length if you want to loosen your eyes. Another example It would be if they had sex. The length, thickness and angle of their blows, as well as if they want to keep or remove them, they can play a Big paper in the new haircut. Cutting Terms and Techniques While the idea of changing your client's appearance can be exciting, the techniques and terminology of the living room can be confusing. Any certified hairdresser should help explain clearly or define any technique that your The client might have a question. However, let's take a quick look at some of the the most common terms and techniques that can be heard when it comes to haircuts. Layer This term refers to a cutting method that creates different lengths that put one on top of the other. Layering helps create motion and make hairstyles lighter and cooler to use. This is a great choice for hairstyles that fall flat and look stalled or stalled. It is also a great hairstyle option for warm weather months that can often lead to sweating and overheating. The layers can be subtle with very little difference of layer lengths, but they can also be dramatic with a large difference of length between the bottom and the upper layers. They can also be strategically placed to help set your client's face. It only depends on the personal preferences of the customer. Thinning The fabric refers to a technique that facilitates the use of thick styles. The thought behind the thinning and the layer are the same, but the general effects are very different. The hairdresser will often use a specialized cutting tool called thinning scales to help lighten the thick and heavy hairstyles. The thick scissors look like scissors with small cut sections. Looks like one of the scissors leaves has a comb's teeth. They are used to cut small and subtle sections off the edge of a hairstyle to remove volume and weight. This can also be done with straight scissors through a technique called "slithering" where the hairdresser uses straight scissors to make vertical cuts on the edge of the hairstyle. BluntingBlunting is a term that refers to creating block or straight edges. It's a great way to add the drama to a look. This might require a customer to sacrifice length if they already have layers. Unrolling a layer the hairstyle would take the shortest layer and cut everything else to that length. Customer can also choose to thread a particular section or area of your hairstyle. Graduated or stacked cutsThe layers in a haircut stacked or graduated are very much together. They are often chosen to create volume and weight in a haircut, while the traditional layer often leads to a thinning or lightning result The hairstyle. The angles of this type of cut have to be precise. The weight line, or where the weight falls into a particular hairstyle, it has to be deeply considered when making the decision to a graduated or stacked court. That's it. particularly useful for those with thin or thin follicles. Extension TerminologyThe extensions do not refer exactly to haircut, but they affect the volume and length of the style. Its popularity is in the ascent between all colors, styles and textures. Therefore, it is worth taking a look at some of the terms used as a set, cut, disconnect and sewn. SetA set of extensions refers to the entirety of the extensions. These sets come in a variety of length and thickness options so the customer is sure to get the additions to their hairstyle they are looking for. WeftThe term "weft" refers to a single extension in a set. A set of extensions consists of several thefts. The number of individual extensions depends on the style the customer is looking for. There can also be several different lengths and densities of tissues within the same set to create dimension in the hairstyle. Disconnect This term refers to the point where the natural hair of the client begins and its synthetic extensions. Disconnection is typically more visible in styles that have blunt edges or boxers. That's why it's important for the customer to find a hairdresser who can help you learn to mix these extensions in a seamless style on a daily basis. Bitch This refers to extensions that are taken instead of using adhesives or clips to ensure thefts. This process usually consumes a lot of time and requires a qualified and focused hairdresser to complete it. If a customer is someone who likes to change their style quite often, one of the most temporary options to secure extensions could be the right call. If you want absolute security in your new length and volume, this method is a much more permanent solution. Barber and Close CutsThe rooms are not the only places where haircuts occur. Too much. often we neglect to talk about barbers and their contribution to hairstyle and design. If a customer is someone who prefers a barber to a hairdresser, here They're a couple of terms that might want to get familiar. Fades Fading is a hairstyle method that uses a combination of tongs and scissors to cushion the hairstyle from the base of the neck to the top of the head. A barber or stylist will use clippers to get an extremely close cut around the neck base and then gradually increase the length that is recorded upwards. Once they reach the top of the head, the length of the hairstyle can vary widely. The term "fade" refers to the tape cut leading up. Design cuts There are many barbers and stylists that are sought for their design cuts. A hairstyle should be short before a design can be cut into it. These haircuts are typically found in the upper parts of fashions or in people with other close shaved hairstyles. This specialization uses a variety of clipper types and accessories to create images and hair designs that go from simple to exceptionally elaborate. Final Thoughts There are many different ways you can change your customer's hairstyle no matter what happens to be working naturally. It is important to know what to ask, regardless of the direction in which a customer wants to take his personal style. Knowing the right terms and techniques can really help you clarify the hairstyle goals and concerns of customers when discussing their decisions and options. It can also help you feel safer by taking control of your new and exciting look. If you are creative and enjoy helping others express themselves, then a career in haircut and style can be suitable for you. Find a hair school near you and your career might be near the next corner. Do you want to learn more? Did you learn about what you are interested in different hair cutting techniques? Do you need to get your undergraduate certificate in cosmetology? At the Minnesota School of Cosmetology, we are dedicated to helping our students develop a solid base and style through practical training in basic and advanced industry techniques. You will learn to cut, color and hair style, to give manicures and pedicures, provide spa treatments and perform various skin care techniques of instructors experienced by industry in a professional lounge environment. At the Minnesota School of Cosmetology, we maintain our small class sizes to ensure that we get the individualized instruction you need and the attention you deserve. You will graduate with everything you need to be a versatile artist in an exciting industry, including a diploma of cosmethology from a respected university. today to learn more about becoming a hairdresser and start a rewarding career in the beauty industry. 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